Good day. This Saturday March15, is the Annual Las Vegas Harley St Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt. We are looking for 2 volunteers for each stop. There will be 3 stops plus registration at LVHD. Registration 8:45 -10:00AM The rest of the stops will be 9-12. As Volunteers come forward we will then give you the top: northwest, southeast and central Las Vegas. Remember volunteers will receive 50pts for their help.
1. Dave L.
2. Donnell L.
Stop #1 (Northwest)
1. Hal F.
2. Kendria A.
3. Mike R.
Stop #2 (Southeast)
1. Jane R.
2. Danny P.
Stop #3 (Central LV)
1. Adriana K.
2. Jimmy H.
This event is being held by our sponsoring dealership.
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